Perfect Love: Freedom from Fear. Please be sure to sign up a week prior to class starting so there will be enough materials available!
Adventure Kids! Join us every 1st and 3rd Wednesday from 7-8:15PM for a fun filled time! We learn from stories in the Bible and even have snacks! Ages 3(potty trained)-11!
Come see what Bethesda has to offer! We will explain who we are, what we are about, and what is going on at Bethesda. Come get to know us!
Bring your best baked goods! We will be having our annual Bake Auction in the Life Center! 5PM!
Adventure Kids! Join us every 1st and 3rd Wednesday from 7-8:15PM for a fun filled time! We learn from stories in the Bible and even have snacks! Ages 3(potty trained)-11!
The fourth Saturday of every month from 12-2PM the women of Bethesda gather together to fellowship, dig into the word, and enjoy each others company.