Sunday Service:



“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV

Discipleship is one of the most pressing needs in the Church of Jesus Christ in this present day. The lack of it has resulted in a Church who is ill-prepared to face the challenges of life successfully and to fulfill our God-given destiny to be the Light of the world and the Salt of the earth! This lack has caused the Church to be influenced by the very world to which we are to be a standard and a preserving influence. In 1Timothy 3:15, Paul declares that the Church is to be the pillar and ground of truth. Instead of the world being affected by the Church as she holds up the standard of truth, the Church has so often been infected by the world as she holds up the standard of worldliness.

True disciples don’t just automatically emerge once people become believers; they are built as surely as any house. Houses just don’t happen; they are systematically built. So it is with the house of God. Ephesians 2:19-22 states that we as believers are being built together as a house for the habitation of God. Believers are to be built as a house for God individually so that we might be fitly framed together as a corporate house or temple of God. As God’s house, we are to be built upon the foundation or bedrock of Jesus Christ – 1 Corinthians 3:11.

There are currently 4 courses for Discipleship, one of which is a three-part series.

  • Discipleship 1: Down Reach. This lays the foundation.
  • Discipleship 2: Up Reach. This focuses on discipling.
  • Discipleship 3: In-reach. This is a three-part series.
    • Beholding the Beauty. This teaches the different kinds of prayer we use as well as obedience.
    • Practicing the Presence. This shows us how to be in His presence.
    • Inquiring Inside the Temple. This teaches us about spiritual experiences and how to really spend time with Him.
  • Discipleship 4: Out-reach. This is all about Gods sovereignty.

Classes will be offered throughout the year. Please check with the office to find your next available class!